This site supports the following browsers:
We support the latest version of Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available). We support the current and previous major releases of Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on a rolling basis. Each time a new version is released, we begin supporting that version and stop supporting the third most recent version.
At Honeywell, we're committed to developing web applications that go beyond the limits of traditional software. Our engineering teams make use of new capabilities only available in modern, up-to-date browsers which also provide improved security and performance. For support entitled Honeywell customers, Google provides one-to-one support for Chrome core functionality under the Honeywell agreement.
For the best experience, use the browsers on your local computer.
Browser settings
All browsers must have cookies and JavaScript enabled to use this web site.
Internet Explorer 9 users
As previously announced, Internet Explorer 11 launched on October 17, 2013, and as a result, we've discontinued support for Internet Explorer 9.
Organizations that depend on old versions of Internet Explorer may want to consider a dual browser strategy.
Windows and Mac OS X versions
All browsers must be running on a platform that is actively supported by Microsoft or Apple.
Honeywell users with unsupported browsers may find that some features do not function, or the application doesn't load.