Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe, consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 3/8", DN10, 10 mm |
FIG3/8CS10 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe, consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 3/8", DN10, 12 mm |
FIG3/8CS12 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 10 mm |
FIG1/2CS10 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 12 mm |
FIG1/2CS12 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 14 mm |
FIG1/2CS14 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 15 mm |
FIG1/2CS15 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 15 mm |
FIG1/2CS15-10 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 16 mm |
FIG1/2CS16 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 3/4", DN18, 18 mm |
FIG3/4CS18 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring. For valves with internal thread, 3/4", DN22, 22 mm |
FIG3/4CS22 |
Compressions fitting for copper and precision steel pipes, 14 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4CS14 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of one-piece (preassembled) nut. Soft sealing connection. For valves with external thread G3/4", 10 pcs., 14 mm |
FEG3/4CS14-10 |
Compressions fitting for copper and precision steel pipes, 15 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4CS15 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of one-piece (preassembled) nut. Soft sealing connection. For valves with external thread G3/4", 10 pcs., 15 mm |
FEG3/4CS15-10 |
Compressions fitting for copper and precision steel pipes, 10 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4CS10 |
Compressions fitting for copper and precision steel pipes, 12 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4CS12 |
Compressions fitting for copper and precision steel pipes, 16 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4CS16 |
Compressions fitting for copper and precision steel pipes, 18 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4CS18 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 3/8", DN10, 12 mm |
FIG3/8CSS12 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 12 mm |
FIG1/2CSS12 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 14 mm |
FIG1/2CSS14 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 15 mm |
FIG1/2CSS15 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 16 mm |
FIG1/2CSS16 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 18 mm |
FIG1/2CSS18 |
Compression fitting for COPPER and STEEL pipe; Consisting of compression nut and compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 3/4", DN20, 18 mm |
FIG3/4CSS18 |
Compression fitting for MULTILAYER pipe; Consisting of compression nut, compression ring and support insert. For valves with internal thread, 1/2", DN15, 16 mm |
FIG1/2M16X2 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe, 14x2 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4PM14X2 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe, 16x2 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4PM16X2 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe; Consisting of one-piece nut with preassembled antitorsion elastic compression ring and one-piece reinforcing insert. For valves with external thread G3/4", 1 pcs., 16 x 2 mm |
FEG3/4PM16X2-10 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe, 16x2.2 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4PM16X2.2 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe, 17x2 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4PM17X2 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe; Consisting of one-piece nut with preassembled antitorsion elastic compression ring and one-piece reinforcing insert. For valves with external thread G3/4", 1 pcs., 17 x 2 mm |
FEG3/4PM17X2-10 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe, 18x2 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4PM18X2 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe; Consisting of one-piece nut with preassembled antitorsion elastic compression ring and one-piece reinforcing insert. For valves with external thread G3/4", 1 pcs., 18 x 2 mm |
FEG3/4PM18X2-10 |
Compression fitting for PEX and MULTILAYER pipe, 20x2 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4PM20X2 |
Compression fitting for PEX/PER pipe, 12x1.1 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4P12X1.1 |
Compression fitting for PEX/PER pipe, 16x1.5 mm, 3/4" Euroconus |
FEG3/4P16X1.5 |
Pressure cap, for valves DN10 |
VA2202A010 |
Pressure cap for shutting off valves on radiator outlet for valves DN15 (1/2") |
VA2202A015 |
Pressure cap for shutting off valves on radiator outlet for valves DN20 (3/4") |
VA2202A020 |
Sealing ring for pressure cap, for valves DN10 |
VA5090A010 |
Sealing ring for pressure cap for valves DN15 (1/2") |
VA5090A015 |
Sealing ring for pressure cap for valves DN20 (3/4") |
VA5090A020 |
Radiator tailpiece with thread up to collar for valves DN10 (3/8") |
VA5201A010 |
Tailpiece with thread up to collar for valves DN20 (3/4") |
VA5201A020 |
Tailpiece with thread up to collar for valves DN15 (1/2") |
VA5201A015 |
Soldering tailpiece for DN10, 3/8" x 12 mm (Outphased) |
VA5230A010 |
Soldering tailpiece for DN15, 1/2" x 15 mm (Outphased) |
VA5230A015 |
Soldering tailpiece for DN20, 3/4" x 22 mm (Outphased) |
VA5230A020 |
Extended radiator tailpiece, nickel-plated, to be shortened as required 3/8" x 70 mm (for DN10) thread approx. 50 mm |
VA5204B010 |
Extended radiator tailpiece, nickel-plated, to be shortened as required 1/2" x 76 mm (for DN15) thread approx. 65 mm |
VA5204B015 |
Extended radiator tailpiece, nickel-plated, to be shortened as required 3/4" x 70 mm (for DN20) thread approx. 60 mm |
VA5204B020 |
Draining adapter for all sizes |
VA3300A001 |
Special Verafix tool |
VA8300A001 |